Prompt Engineering



Power Projects

The total installed power generation capacity in India as on December 31, 2021 is 393,389.46 MW with sector wise & type wise break up as given below. 

For the state wise installed power generation capacity, refer to States of India by installed power capacity.

Installed Power Station Capacity in India as of December 31, 2021
Sector Thermal (MW) Nuclear (MW) Hydro (MW) Renewable (MW) Total (MW)
Coal Gas Diesel Sub-Total Thermal
Central 67250.00 7237.91 0.00 74487.91 6,780.00 15,646.72 1,632.30 98546.93
State 67531.50 7087.35 236.01 74854.86 0.00 27114.50 2414.31 104383.68
Private 75028.00 10574.24 273.70 85875.95 0.00 3751.00 100831.91 190458.86
All India 209809.50 24899.51 509.71 235218.72 6780.00 46512.22 104878.53 393389.46
Percentage 53.33 6.33 0.13 59.79 1.72 11.82 26.66 100

Hydroelectric power plants with ≤ 25 MW generation capacity are included in Renewable category (classified as SHP – Small Hydro Project) .

The break up of renewable energy sources (RES) is:

  • Solar power(49,346.71 MW)
  • Wind power(40,082.70 MW)
  • Biomass(10,175.61 MW)
  • Small hydro(4,839.40 MW)
  • Waste-to-energy(434.11 MW)

Pulp & Paper Projects

Paper and pulp industries consume huge amount of resources like wood and water every year and creates large amounts of solid wastes and waste water that have to be treated. Different forms of wastes are produced such as particle, solid, gas, and water during paper production. The developed wastes are usually not treated properly and waste water is mostly allowed to mix with water resources like river. So identification of some suitable methodologies to treat these wastes in an environmental-friendly way and to extract the energy from these wastes is the need of the day. Incineration, gasification, pyrolysis, anaerobic digestion, and biodiesel production methodologies for converting paper mill wastes into energy are the main things to consider globally.


Oil & Gas and chemical Projects

Offshore construction is the installation of structures and facilities in a marine environment, usually for the production and transmission of electricity, oil, gas and other resources. It is also called maritime engineering.

Construction and pre-commissioning is typically performed as much as possible onshore. To optimize the costs and risks of installing large offshore platforms, different construction strategies have been developed.

One strategy is to fully construct the offshore facility onshore, and tow the installation to site floating on its own buoyancy. Bottom founded structure are lowered to the seabed by de-ballasting (see for instance Condeep or Cranefree), whilst floating structures are held in position with substantial mooring systems.

Solar Projects

Solar energy can be utilized to generate electricity using solar panels and solar cells. This solar power is one of the major sources of renewable energy or green energy on earth. Since solar power has many applications in various fields of technology and every day-to-day activities, Solar projects have a great significance in the Engineering.